Training Portals with Joomla! & Digistore Connect
You are a Teacher, Trainer or Lecturer and want to offer your learning content on your website?
On this page you can see possible Training Portals with Joomla! & Digistore Connect.
No matter if with Joomla! onboard resources or connections to additional extensions.
The example Courses shows the function of the ordering process via Digistore24.
After your purchase has been confirmed, Digistore24 sends a message about to Digistore Connect installed in your Joomla! and triggers the configured actions.
These products costs 0€, you also do not enter any other obligations or contracts!
They should only show how it works.
Training Portals with Joomla! Resources
With the Joomla! contents you can already offer useful information about the learning content. You can use Joomla! user account control to specify which user group gets access to which content.
The access duration can be restricted to X days in Digistore Connect, or granted until a termination or non-payment is received.
Joomla! - Now I am Learning to Fly
After purchase, you will receive your access data and get access to the example contents.
Joomla! - Now I am Learning to Bike
After purchase, you will receive your access data and get access to the example contents.
Training Portals with Shika
Shika from Techjoomla is a comprehensive and attractive looking learning system for Joomla. It includes a SCORM interface as well as extensive analyzes and statistics about the learning success of the students.
In addition to paid courses, Shika also offers free courses, for example to offer a limited "foretaste".
The duration of access can be limited to X days in Digistore Connect and works independently of the payment plans created in Shika.
Shika - Now I am Learning Joomla!
After purchase, you will receive your access data and get access to the example contents.
Shika - Now I am Learning Wordpress
After purchase, you will receive your access data and get access to the example contents.
Training Portals with Moodle & Joomdle
Moodle is a free and worldwide used learning management system. Since it is a standalone web application, it can be connected to the CMS with the Joomla! Extension Joomdle.
This system is extremely flexible and extensive, which requires a certain training period. It also includes a SCORM interface.
The access duration can be restricted to X days in Digistore Connect, or granted until a termination or non-payment is received. Joomdle detects added or removed usergroups and manage the course access.
Moodle - Now I am Learning to Bake
After purchase, you will receive your access data and get access to the example contents.
Moodle - Now I am Learning to Cook
After purchase, you will receive your access data and get access to the example contents.
Training Portals with JoomlalMS
JoomlaLMS is a paid extension for Joomla! It offers f.e. also a SCORM connection.
The access duration can be restricted to X days in Digistore Connect, or granted until a termination or non-payment is received. The runtime management is based on JoomlaLMS.
JoomlaLMS - Now I am Learning Photography
After purchase, you will receive your access data and get access to the example contents.
JoomlaLMS - Now I am Learning Webdesign
After purchase, you will receive your access data and get access to the example contents.